Sunday, February 24, 2008

And This Is Love

I believe that I have entered into a new chapter of my life. Just in the past week, I have learned so many new lessons. The Lord is molding my heart in new ways. To catch you up to date, there's Ethan who's still in Memphis fighting Leukemia. To top it off, two women from our church got in a very bad car accident on the way home from the retreat. One of them had just very minor injuries and is feeling fine. The other of them is still in the hospital. They had to put a chest tube in because she had some minor lung damage due to the side air bag of their car. But it was a joy for me to go and spend the night at their house to take care of her three darling daughters. She's doing better and will hopefully be released tommorow. This post is VERY long with the rest just being spiritual lessons I'm learning. So buckle your seat belt and take a short ride through my life right now!!

1.) The first thing that God has really imprinted on my heart the past week is what the body of Christ really is. As I babysat those three girls last night the phone rang off the hook. It was all people from our "Covenant Family" (our church) calling to see if they needed anything. One sweet mom helped me find a ride to church with car seats for the two younger girls. She told me to call at anytime- night or day. That is what love is. It is people gathering around their brothers and sisters in Christ, holding out their hands to help pull them out of the valley or at least make their climb out easier. I have been so touched by the church's compassion and hearts of service. I am moved to tears as I see the beautiful picture of love to these two families who are suffering. By God's grace!!! Thank you Jesus that in this messed up world we can find love to hold eachother up with. Anyway, I have been very moved and changed by watching our church gather together in these trials.

2.) The second thing is something that the speaker at the retreat talked about. She talked about repentance and I realized that I don't repent like I should. I don't see my sin as the nasty, filthy, shameful junk that it is. Why is that? I am just too self-righteous and prideful. Ouch. I'm so self-sufficient (rather, I think that I am) that I can't even admit that my heart is black as dirt. And I also realized the AMAZING grace that my God has given to me. That He picked me up- a weak, dirty, unlovable child- and washed me clean. He took my sin upon His shoulders and bore the punishment for my sin because He loved me. That is just too incredible to fathom.

3.) Getting tired yet? :) This is the last one. The last one is, I think, an ongoing struggle in the life of a Christian. God convicted me of how pathetic my devotionals are. I'm ashamed for Him to see my laziness but there's no hiding it. So, I'll attempt again to have consistent devotionals. Praise God that He loves us even when we mess up again...and again....and again.. and again..

So it's been a long week. I'm tired but I have joy and hope. And that's what will pull us through even when life's tough. Also, if any of you who are reading have any prayer requests feel free to put it in a comment on any post that I write. I'd love to pray for you!!


Anonymous said...

The Lord truly is changing your life, Molly. I'll pray that you will continue to recognize His hand in your life. Doesn't it make you excited about what's going to happen next?


Lyra said...

Hi, Molly! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I'm excited to discover yours and have enjoyed reading your posts this afternoon. I am so encouraged to see your passion for our Savior. I have no doubt that He will use you mightily for His kingdom. He already is! This post you wrote about the Christ Church family is so true. We were impacted greatly during our short time there and we miss it. I'm so thrilled to see how the church is impacting you, as a young woman. I'm praising the Lord for that! I look forward to keeping up with you through your blog. Have a great day!