Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mission Eyes

Eyes wide open, brimming with tears
So full of hope, yet full of fear.

These eyes have gazed on the fields ripe for harvest.
A week-long look at this place of promise.

But alas they return to the American Dream
Where everyone wants the newest fad or thing

They're expected to blend in as part of the culture
But these mission eyes are different than they were.

They're a blessing, a reminder of all that I've seen
And a promse to remember where I have been.

Half the battle of a mission trip is wrestling with God over What now? I'm not even home yet and I've been asking this question since day 1. Now that I have seen, I am responsible. But what does that mean? What does that mean for my life? These eyes have seen hurt, pain, and a field ripe for harvest. Oh so many opportunitiesfor service and growth. But what now? How do you return to the states with these mission eyes that have gazed on the fields ripe for harvest? I cannot go back and forget.

On all of my previous trips the Lord has completely broken me over the orphans and the people here in Guatemala. This trip, though, I feel like He is showing me what He needs to change in ME. He's showing me places of my heart and pieces of me that are not honoring to Him, things I need to surrender, lessons I need to learn. It has been very humbling.

And it leaves me wondering just how these mission eyes are going to go home and try to merge the 2 lives I have today- my Guatemala life and my US life.

The fields are ripe for harvest, and the laborers are few. I have seen and heard and know that I must act. Lord, show me what is in Your will for my heart, my time, my talents, my gifts, my life.

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