Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well.. it is a new year!! As I think about this concept of a new year my mind goes 2 places.

First, I think about all that God has done in the past year. When I think about 2008, I am so thankful for such an incredible year!!!! WOW!!! There were some trials, in which He showed His faithfulness and love to me again. And, of course, there was an incomprehensible amount of blessings and joys!! Oh how I have just soaked up the gift of Christ-like love played out in my friendships this year.

Secondly, I look with eager anticipation for what God has in store for me this coming year!! What plans does He have?!! What does this next year hold?? There have been many blog posts about New Year's Resolutions, some who are for resolutions and some who are against. When I think about next year I feel excited and also a little overwhelmed. I'll be making alot of decisions and finishing up a pivotal year as far as academics go. I think of the song "Blessing" by John Waller, where he says:

every blessing and curse is a choice now
and we willchoose to be a blessing for life
let it be said of us
that our hearts belonged to Jesus
let it be said of us
that we spoke the words of life
let it be said of us
that our heritage is blessing for life

I can CHOOSE how to live my life for this next year, and always. I

can embrace this season,

this chapter that God has given me and choose to be a blessing!

Or I can always focus on what could be,

what I want, and make me and everyone else miserable lol.

I do not want to do that.

So my prayer for this next year is

that my attitude would be one that is glorifying to God,

that my speech flows with the love of Christ,

that my hands are never used for wrong deeds

but to serve, offer a hug, hold a trembling hand.

I pray that my life would be a blessing to all of you,

my family, my dear friends, and all who I come into contact with.

May He bless you greatly!!


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