Monday, January 17, 2011

Simple Gifts

I have rediscovered simple gifts.

Simple gifts that truly make up the essence of life.

This rediscovery has been a journey....and I wouldn't change a thing.

Because these simple gifts I rediscovered on the winding road are priceless.

Second chances.

Grace abundant.

JOY, JOY, and more JOY

Awe of God.

Renewed love and hunger for the Word.

Refreshing healing of broken pieces of my heart.


Confidence in who I am in Christ. A daughter, a princess, beautiful, and competent for the call He has on my life.

These simple gifts are what make up my life now. And I'm praying that the Lord continues to show me the simple yet incredible gifts that are found in Him.


Audrey said...

Praise the Lord. More than we can ask or imagine.

julie t said...

I Simply Love this ....beautiful