Friday, May 1, 2009

This Summer....

Summer is coming SO fast. With every day that passes, my list of chapters left in school keep decreasing (though I never understand why teachers must assign the huge papers and projects at the end of school when you just CAN'T concentrate anymore lol)!! Anyways, AFTER I'm done with school, I'll dive into summer. And of course, summer couldn't come without a list, could it?!

So here's some things I'm hoping to accomplish this summer. Check back with me in September and see if I got any of them done lol!

1. Build some basic wooden shelves in the basement to try and organize my mound of sewing/craft/scrapbooking supplies. It is driving me crazy.

2. Finally sew this "exposed seams" quilt I've been wanting to do for over a year. I got an instruction book for it but haven't made the time to do it.

3. Memorize Scripture. I've been SO SO SO bad about this. My mentor and I are going to focus on this in the summer.

4. Take long walks with the dog.

5. Go to the pool alot.

6. Read LOTS of books.

7. Start volunteering at the community center here in town. They have a Hispanic Outreach Program so I'm praying I'll be able to put my Spanish to use! :)

What are some of your goals this summer?? Share with me!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

HI! I love your idea of helping out at the community center, it will definitely be good practice for you spanish speaking skills. I am looking for a job and I also hope to find a place to volunteer, preferably with orphans, but if not that then underprivileged children. I am also going to the beach for a week!