Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thoughts on Haiti...

By now I think nearly every American has been inundated with headlines, news flashes, and articles about the crisis in Haiti.

I sat down on Sunday morning before church and flipped on the news for the first time since it'd happened. I lasted about 10 minutes. I just can't handle it. Could handle seeing all of the children from the orphanages laying on the dirt. I couldn't handle seeing the faces of these beautiful people crying out in agony. Couldn't handle seeing the hands and feet of people sticking out of the crushed buildings. Couldn't handle seeing those left behind trying to search through the rubble.

I just can't watch it. These are people with living, beating hearts whose lives have been literally ripped to shreds before their eyes in a matter of seconds. These are orphans, now homeless. These emotionally traumatized kids now have no family, no home, and in some cases, no food or water. There are babies who were on IV's whose lives are threatened if help doesn't come soon. I've heard of at least 2 orphanages that collapsed in southern Haiti killing 180 kids.

This morning, as I write, 133 children (60 under the age of 3) from one of the orphanages are walking 2 kilometers to the US Embassy. There will be no food, water, or facilities for these children while waiting to be processed at the Embassy. I think of the Israelites and how they had to walk and travel out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, to get to the promised land. I do not understand why oh why these precious children have to make such a long hard journey. It sounds like something out of a movie, making 2 year olds walk 2 miles to go sit in the US Embassy for a day while waiting for a plane to take them somewhere safe. I do not understand this crisis in Haiti. But I do know that these children are coming HOME. God IS showing His goodness even in the midst of suffering. In the end, each one of us, even the Haitians, even these children, can say that God IS good. He is faithful. And as I sit here in my house pondering, praying, wondering, and worrying I can trust that He will provide.

Please join me in prayer today for the nannies, babies, and children who are making this journey. Pray for GRACIOUS workers at the Embassy. Pray for FAVOR on these children, that all the appropriate documents would go right over the desks and into the hands of people who can get these children home. Pray for the nannies that God would give them supernatural strength and patience as they care for these children. What a HUGE calling God has given them. Pray for the children, that their little hearts would be protected, that they would not be tired and hungry, that their minds would erase these few days, that He would make them brave. These children are courageous.

I've been doing some research on different organizations trying to figure out what would be the most efficient use of resources. The most reputable one I've found and one that I KNOW will help children is: http://compassion.com/helphaiti

Will you let the Lord break your heart for the people of the world today? Will you let Him burden your heart for the hurting, orphaned, starving, and sick? Pray for that today and join with the Body in prayer for these people.


Melinda said...

My heart breaks for the Haitians too. I can only imagine what they're living through. BUT, the good in all of this is the government is speeding up the adoption process so many of the orphans will be in a forever home very very soon. If it weren't for the terrible earthquake, they would still be caught up in the red tape. We can surely praise God for that!! "We know that ALL things work together for the good for those who love God!!!"

Sharon said...

My heart breaks too, although it is hard for me to relate. I have never seen true poverty or the aftermath of such a disaster with my own eyes. Yes on TV, but it still seems distant. I pray God will break my heart even more for these precious people. I heard about orphans who had families in the US are getting to meet them, that is great news! It seems like there are many organizations helping Haiti now, Safewater Nexus is one. And they have a team there now helping in any way they can. If you go to their website you can find out more. http://www.safewaternexus.org/Safewater_Nexus/Haiti_Relief%21.html
Also if you friend Matt Chambers on facebook, you can see his updates from Haiti as well.