Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today I am homesick for Guatemala.
My arms are aching to hold the kids. As I look through my pictures, I remember how overwhelmed I was at their neediness. How could my 2 arms show the love of a mother to 18 children?

I miss seeing Caleb hold the kids. And I miss experiencing new things with him.

I want to run down the hill from the orphanage to go and hug this sweet friend. Was she able to go to the doctor? Has her body been healed? My heart aches for the people of this country. I miss their hugs, their language, their hospitality.

I miss the beauty. I miss walking out in the morning and feeling like falling on my knees at the sight of God's glory EXALTED.

I miss my sweet sweet little girl. Oh, Claudia, babe, I love you so much sweet girl. What I wouldn't give to bring you home.

Oh I miss her laugh!! :) I smile through my tears!
I miss my little guy. Even though his diaper leaked on me everytime. His eagerness when I walked in the room made my heart break and sing all at the same time. Sweet boy, I hope someone is there for you to wrap your arms around and make you feel secure.

I long to go and hold them, and whisper in their ears that I love them. So much.

This my friends, is one in 143 million. That just brings me to my knees today and makes me cry.

That's my heart, laid out for you today. I'm homesick and saddened by this world we live in. And so today, I have to turn these children, these people, this country over to the hands of the Father and have faith that He will protect and provide for them.


Sharon said...

This is a great post, makes me sad too. :( But with God there is hope for them, He has a great plan for each and every orphan out there! This makes me even more desire to do something on their behalf! Thank you for sharing your homesick heart, and I hope you get to see those adorable children soon!

Annie said...

Awww...the pictures and video are so heartbreaking. Such adorable kids with such great need...I can see why it is so hard to be on the other side of the world from them and unable to help meet their needs for a forever family. I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to leave all the kids in China when I go!

julie t said...

Molly, I've read your blog a million times and been moved by so much, but tonight, each sentence you shared so honestly brought me to tears. Sometimes you almost take us there. I'm praying with you for the children to experience unconditional love, security, and most of all God's plan for their lives to unfold before their very eyes. And am praying for your trip with all of the others. It will be here before we know it. love, Jule