Thursday, August 20, 2009


My heart is sad...
I miss this beautiful country.

I miss the precious people.
I miss this precious girl.
I keep replaying in my mind the day I said goodbye. I wonder if Ornoria is still sad, if there's anyone there to give her the hugs she so desperately longs for. The thought of her feeling alone breaks my heart.

Today I feel the missing piece of my heart that is in Guatemala. And it makes me sad.


Annie said...

I know EXACTLY what you're feeling...only it's China that I'm missing! Hugs from afar...

Anonymous said...

Awwww...I'm so sorry! I know a little of how you feel - when we stop the Bible classes that we have for Russian children every spring, I always feel that I'm leaving part of me behind. And even though I've never been to Russia, I miss my homeland desperately. It's funny, how you can be homesick for a place that you've never been to before!:) You're in my prayers - I pray that God will comfort you and allow you to return soon and help all those dear people!


Carrie said...

God give you peace. He put a lot of love in your heart and you are using it to glorify him. I will pray for your sister in Guatemala so she feels peace and joy as well.
God bless.