Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I'm afraid this blog may be a bit boring this summer with the exception of vacation posts and special occasions. So far, all of my posts have been about my babysitting job. Sorry!! Don't read if you don't want to!! :)

In one short week, I have fallen in love with the kids I babysit. It has been so much fun watching their personalities come alive and everyone of them has captured my heart in a different way. I'm praising God that He so graciously gave me this job because it's a blast. Many people (including my parents) said that after babysitting 5 kids I would surely rethink my dream of having a big family. Believe it or not, babysitting them has actually strengthened my dream. Sorry Mom and Dad, it was a nice attempt to get me to stop talking about adoption! I've been encouraged and inspired to follow my dream of adopting children one day in the future. I've seen that it's not impossible to adopt and that it is possible for kids to "mold" into a family, even at an older age.

My little adventure for the day was learning to ride their "tandem/runalong" bike. J (I can't use names so I'll do initials) told me today it was time to learn to ride the bike. I readily agreed and hopped onto the bike and pedaled off. I thought to myself, "This is so easy!!! I don't know why they were saying it's difficult to balance!" Well, I spoke too soon. J hopped on the back of the bike so that I could learn to ride it with a kid on back. That was hard!! I still can't drive in a straight line, even after 30 minutes of practicing. Balancing the weight of the bike behind you is alot harder than I thought. As I swerved down the sidewalk I was just praying nobody I knew would drive by and see me! I looked like a preschooler who just learned how to ride without training wheels, wobbly and nervous. What was so cute about it was J's encouragement the entire time. He wouldn't let me give up and every few seconds he'd say, "You're doing it!!/Good job!!/You're doing great!/You're going so straight!/Keep pedaling!/Don't stop!" or the best one was, "This is a so good practice!" I had to laugh to myself at that one. Phrases like that are pretty frequent with two kids who lived in Ethiopia all of their lives!! I've corrected alot of grammar this past week!! Anyway, I think I finally have the bike down. If you see a teenage girl swerving down the sidewalk with a 6-yr old in tow (oh and 4 other kids with their own bikes) it's probably me. Say a prayer and stay out of the way! :)

The Lord is teaching me so much this summer. It's incredible to see what He shows you when you ask!! :) I'm praying for each and every one of you and that you would learn something new about our precious Savior this week. Blessings!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun post! Keep enjoying your babysitting job!