Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Few Moments

Taking a few moments to blog. I've been working my way down my to-do list tonight. Tommorow I have school in the morning, piano at 12:30, and then I'm meeting with a friend after that. Saturday i have a leadership team retreat all day and then our family friends are coming to visit and spend the night! It's been years since I've seen them so I'm really looking forward to catching up. They have a son my age who's also in the college search stage so we'll have alot in common this time.

A wonderfully wise woman at our school gave a talk to us once about apathy and giving 100%. She told us this quote that has stuck with me all of these years:

Trade in what is good for what is better;
and trade in what is better for what is best.

Last week our pastor talked about work and trying your hardest ALL THE TIME- not only when people are looking.

So it got me to thinking about what areas of my life do I settle for the average. What areas can I press on and pursue the best? No, of course I can't be perfect, but i don't have to settle for what is good. Sometimes I'll pray, "Lord, please help me to be a good friend/daughter/employee/etc." And the prayer kind of ends there. This week I've really been trying to work on striving for the highest. I hope that, in time, I will become a better friend, a better sister, a better daughter. I will never be the best (for only Jesus can take that place), but I hope that, by God's grace alone, my life will be a shining light of Christ and that I will rise above the low standards set by our culture.

Anyway... i think i just rambled on but maybe it made some sense!!! :)

Have a great weekend! God bless!

1 comment:

Annie said...

I like your "ramblings"!
We all have ways we need to strive to give God our best, not just our "better". Thanks for the reminder!